Brilliantek specializes in training individuals and businesses with the skills they need to be computer professionals. Aside from its roots in education, Brilliantek offers an array of services from web design to computer repairs and networking solutions.
Our mission is to give people and companies the tools and knowledge they need to be computer geniuses in a digital/computerized world. We want to empower everyone to be brilliant, be bold and to build confidence when it comes to technology.
Take one of our classes to realize your full potential. Whether you are just starting out with the very basics or are quite advanced, we offer an array of classes that can be taught at any location including your home. We bring the classroom to you, making it effortless. Well, not entirely effortless, we do expect you to put in your time and mind power in order for us to make you the best.
If you’re just looking to get your computer maintenance or cleaned because you encountered a virus or your computer is slow and unresponsive, we’re the company for you. We’ve helped hundreds of residents and businesses out of some rough predicaments. We hope to do the same for you.
For more technological needs, like networking set-ups, distributions, deployments and maintenance, we provide an array of networking solutions. If you’re an individual, a home network can sometimes be challenging to set-up or even understand. We have you covered in creating Wi-Fi networks or even installing a Local Area Network in your home. If you’re a business, we can install the cables, set-up the proper switches and routers and get your servers up and running so that your business gets to doing business. We even offer back-up solutions so that your company never fears loosing such precious data.
Our company is a Microsoft Partner and can offer you an array of services that keep your business running smoothly with Office 365, Outlook Email, Azure Cloud Computing and more. Give us a call to find out more.